Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dance Instruction and Fitness Are Great Dance Partners

Tired of going to the gym and dieting? Want to try a new way to stay fit? Many people are turning to dance instruction classes, especially with the shows such as Ballroom Boot camp and others like it. Dancers have known for years that dance instruction keeps you fit. Now the rest of the world seems to be catching up.

The first step is deciding what type of breakdance instruction you would like to try. Do not worry about the shape you are in at the moment, find the dance instruction that will make you happy and want to keep coming back. If you decide on the wrong type of dance instruction, then you will stop going and will not get the results you had hoped for. To name just a few of dance instruction classes, let's start with ballet, jazz, tap, belly dancing, Latin, salsa, ballroom, swing, line, Irish, hip hop, and many others. The chances of finding one you like are exceptionally good.

Your enjoyment of the time and breakdance should be at the forefront of your decision making process for finding dance instruction. Make sure that you like the type of moves and the type of music before joining any dance instruction class. See if you can sit in on several types of dance classes before making your decision. This can help to narrow down your choices for dance instruction. For example, if you love Irish music and the movements of Irish dancing, you may want to join an Irish dance class. A person that dislikes Irish music and the dance would not want take Irish dance instruction. Be realistic. Get into the groove of going to dance instruction classes and then maybe try one you would not normally consider. But keep to what you enjoy and know first.

Once you have decided on what type of dance makes you happy and you think is fun, it is time to find the dance instruction. Dance classes are forming all the time and the ways to receive dance instruction is as varied as the types of dance. Dance instruction classes can be found at dance studios, community colleges, adult education centers, and local organizations such as the YMCA or YWCA, and gyms. Dance instruction can also be found on DVD's and VHS if you are not ready to dance in front of people. Research the breakdance instruction options in your area, and then decide in which direction you want to proceed.