Monday, September 12, 2011

Vanessa Soderstrom- Female Authoress of ‘Against All Odds

Vanessa Soderstrom is a female writer, social reformer and philanthropist. Her advent in the writing industry has been traced by brilliance due to her outstanding performance to sketch the American lifestyles in more dynamic way. The modern American literature has undergone radical medication due to the influence of the ultra-modern rock culture. New way of thinking has helped the next generation in the USA to upgrade the American literature to a great extent. Vanessa has proved her potentiality as a fast hand American writer to give her innovative ideas in the modification of lifestyles which must be more glamorous, peaceful and more charismatic. According to her, the cityscape of NY suffers from the holistic gloss and charismatic luster. One should be more liberal with the high catholicity of mind to bear the turmoil with patience. Life is not an overnight sports event. Nor is it a dreamy enchantment. However, she admits that life is something more meaningful with the sole objective to have the halo of visionary glimpse.

‘Against All Odds’ is an e-book written by Vanessa Soderstrom. This book is research oriented and it has caught the colorful snapshots of the routine lifestyle of New Yorkers. She has strained her every nerve to prove that a New Yorker must try to bring more flavor to his life. He must not be affected by the stereotyped pattern of life which must be more elegant. She doesn’t want anyone to be boxed up within the four walls of a building.

In her novelette, Vanessa Soderstrom has tried to punch her new ideas into her novel to guide people how to live without dampening the stamina and spirit. She has no axe to grind against the American culture. Nor is she interested to do massive damage to American conventional legacies. To be frank, she wants to re-define the meaning of life in light of modern conception and to some extent the charismatic grandeur. Her lucid writing genre is appreciable. Her wordplay is good and analytical style outperforms other writers as well.
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